Monday, May 4, 2015

Phantoms Chapter 3 Lit Circle

neurology: the science of the nerves and the nervous system, especially of the diseases affecting them

Gesticulating: to make or use gestures, especially in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech.

circuitry: the science of designing electric or electronic designs

pathology: the conditions and processes of a disease

parietal lobe: the middle part of each cerebral hemisphere behind the central sulcus

motor cortex: the region of the cerebral cortex concerned with transmitting impulses to the voluntary muscles

sensory homunculus: is a physical representation of the somatosensory cortex

cerebellum: a large portion of the brain, serving to coordinate voluntary movements, posture, and balance in humans, being in back of and below the cerebrum and consisting of two lateral lobes and a central lobe.

paralysis: a loss or impairment of voluntary movement in a body part, caused by injury or disease of the nerves, brain, or spinal cord

somatosensory cortex: receives tactile information from the body. sensory information us carried to the brain by neural pathways to the spinal cord, somatosensory cortex, which has numerous connection to brain areas.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Throat Cancer

The symptoms of  throat cancer are having a sore throat for a long period of time, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, ear pain, and changes in voice such as hoarseness.

Treatment for this cancer: First step is to see a doctor and see how far your cancer has progressed. The next following steps depend on the stage of cancer and the amount and what cells have been affected

Prognosis:   Early stage disease includes stage I, II, and some

 stage III cancers. Stage I cancer is no more than one inch 

and has not spread to lymph nodes in the area. Stage II 

cancer is more than 2 centimeters, but less than 4 

centimeters and has not spread to lymph nodes in the area. 

Stage III cancer can be considered “early” if it is small and 

involves only a single lymph node, which can be surgically 

removed or treated with radiation with a high probability of cure.


Thursday, September 11, 2014


Word Master:

Chapters 5-6

depart from an established course. (pg.46)

hysterectomy: a surgical operation to remove all or part of the uterus (pg. 47)

gonorrhea: a venereal disease involving inflammatory discharge from the urethra or vagina (pg.48)

symposium: a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject (pg.49)


stipends: a fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance (pg.50)


appendectomies: a surgical operation to remove the appendix (pg.50)


epileptic: a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain (pg.51)


incoherently: (of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear (pg.53)


 sedated: calm (someone) or make them sleep by administering a sedative drug (pg.53)


famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed (pg.51)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Word Master

Chapters 3-4:

  • carcinoma- a malignant and invasive epithelial tumor that spreads by metastasis and often recurs after excision; cancer. (pg.27)

  • endometriosis- the presence of uterine lining in other pelvic organs, especially the ovaries, characterized by cyst formation, adhesions, and menstrual pains. (pg.27)

  • hysterectomies- excision of the uterus.

  • biopsy- the removal for diagnostic study of a piece of tissue from a living body. (pg.30)

  • malignant- disposed to cause harm, suffering, or distress deliberately; feeling or showing ill will or hatred. very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect (pg.31)

  • catheter- a flexible or rigid hollow tube employed to drain fluids from body cavities or to distend body passages, especially one for passing into the bladder through the urethra to draw off urine or into the heart through a leg vein or arm vein for diagnostic examination. (pg.33)

  • quarry- an abundant source or supply (pg.34)

  • meticulously- taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise (pg.35)

  • dexterity- skill or adroitness in using the hands or body; agility (pg. 35)

  • forceps- an instrument, as pincers or tongs, for seizing and holding objects, as in surgical operations. (pg.37)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Little about ME ...

My name is Naomi and I am a very opinionated person but this trait doesn't usually show because I come off as nice and caring. I am the oldest sibling and have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders to be a "good role model". I love any color that is associated with blue and I will eat almost anything that has to do with hamburgers or french fries. In the future I want to go into the medical field and possibly become a registered nurse and make a difference. While I seem to imagine what I want to do with my life. I still don't know how the rest of my life will come together but I am surely optimistic and hope its full of adventure. I am deathly terrified of spiders, bumble bees, and cockroaches. I hate jelly beans, string cheese, and having to chose an outfit to wear everyday. Ironically I love dance shows but cant dance properly if my life depended on it. This is me..

and I like to read.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Word Master

Chapter 1 &2:

  • archival- of or pertaining to archives or valuable records; contained in or comprising such archives or records. (pg. xiv)

  • verbatim- in exactly the same words; word for word (pg. xiv) 

  • disparate- distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar (pg. xiv)

  • schematics- pertaining to or of the nature of a schema, diagram, or scheme; diagrammatic. (pg. 2)

  • omnipresent- present everywhere at the same time (pg. 5)

  • laureates- a person who has been honored for achieving distinction in a particular field or with a particular award (pg. 6)

  • gynecology- the branch of medical science that deals with the health maintenance and diseases of women, especially of the reproductive organs (pg. 13)

  • syphilis- a chronic infectious disease, caused by a spirochete, usually venereal in origin but often congenital, and affecting almost any organ or tissue in the body, especially the genitals, skin, mucous membranes, aorta, brain, liver, bones, and nerves (pg.15)

  • palpated- to examine by touch, especially for the purpose of diagnosing disease or illness (pg. 17)

  • gonorrhea- a contagious, purulent inflammation of the urethra or the vagina, caused by the gonococcus (pg.16)

  • asbestos-  fabric woven from asbestos fibers, formerly used for theater curtains, firefighters' gloves, etc. (p.26)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Assembly Blog

Today's assembly started with scenes of actors from movies telling us to reach for our potential greatness. We are meant to do great things and make a difference. Difficulties come our way to try and tear us down but as long as motivation and determination are factors, success will be the ending result. Something else that was touched during the assembly is texting/drinking and riving.  No matter who is texting you don't not put the people around you life's in danger. The same goes with drinking and driving. Being under the influence and going being the wheel is a tragedy waiting to happen.